School of the Air Broken Hill and Hay

Parted but united

Telephone08 8087 3565

Learning extension

The class teacher will extend students through an "individual program" aimed at catering for the individual needs of each student. This may take the form of an extended written program, computer programs and extra satellite lessons. The teacher may also refer the student to places in which they may go to get an extension.

The school also supplies extra lessons such as interest lessons on satellite.

Interest lessons offer the opportunity for students to be extended in a group of activities related to a certain topic. Some of the topics have been drama, visual art, cooking and physical education.

Children who require an extension in physical education and sport are offered the opportunity through many areas. The school offers athletics training days, athletic and swimming carnivals and visiting coaches from various sports. The students are also given the opportunity for participation in Broken Hill Primary Representative sports teams such as basketball, Australian Football League (AFL), soccer, netball, athletics, swimming and cricket.

Gifted students

Gifted students are those whose potential is distinctly above average in one or more of the following areas of ability at school - intellectual, creative, social and physical.

Our gifted and talented program provides these students with learning opportunities on top of the normal curriculum.

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